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We LOVE our Volunteers!

New Humble Community School Association

Thank you, volunteers

“Volunteers do not necessarily have the time; they just have the heart.”

Elizabeth Andrew

Our community and our school depend upon all the selfless volunteers that we are so lucky to have. Life is busy, there is always something that you could be doing, and the fact that you are willing to help at NHCS is greatly appreciated. There are no words that can accurately describe how grateful we are for all our volunteers. It is because of you that this school has been made possible. We understand the value of your time and the fact that we have so many volunteers is awe inspiring.

What does volunteering at NHCS look like? Whatever you want it to! The beauty of volunteering is that it can look however you want. We have parents and community members volunteer in a variety of ways. From taking part to the daily classroom instruction, organizing events, participating in events, offering elbow grease for various projects, providing resources and contacts, to anything imaginatively possible, our volunteers have been extremely important. Whether it is one time, occasionally, weekly, or daily, we are so grateful for our volunteers who are willing to donate their time, energy, and muscle to our school and students.

What counts as volunteering? Everything and anything! It is the person who comes to help out a teacher in her class. It is the person researching programs, fundraisers, events, or contacts and suggesting them. It is the family that donates time, resources, meals, or supplies. It is the community group that provides elbow grease to improve our school grounds. It is the company that is willing to help make our dreams a reality. It is the parent who organizes and sees fundraisers, hot lunch, community events, etc. through. It is the individuals who show up, cheer us on, and wish us the best. It is also so much more.

What is the impact of volunteering? Your efforts are appreciated by more than the just the staff and parents, the students are also thankful. Students receive the greatest impact of volunteer efforts. When asked how the volunteers have made a difference, one student said, “They help us by making school better”. Another student said that they enjoy having their parent in their class because “they get to spend more time with them”. Yet another student noted that without volunteers “we would not have this school to come to and that would be very sad”. Your volunteering also teaches our children the importance of giving back. This is something that we want to instill within our students and hope they will carry with them their entire lives.

Do we still need volunteers? Yes! We will always need and welcome volunteers. Not only do we benefit greatly from volunteers, but it also helps teach our children about the importance of stewardship and giving back. Please, if you are able, never stop volunteering. The impact your effort has, is so much greater than you may realize. Along with our teachers, your volunteer efforts help shape the minds and future of our students.

While the International Volunteer Day is held annually on December 5, at NHCS we think it’s every day and every time someone is willing to help. We hope you know that every person and every form of volunteering is greatly appreciated. From our students, staff, and community, we thank our volunteers. THANK YOU!

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