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The Family Who Reads Together, Reads Forever!

Jenna, NHCSA Director
Today, January 27th, is Family Literacy Day! We want to take this opportunity to celebrate and encourage families to continue on their literacy journey. Research shows children who engage in early literacy activities at home are better prepared and have higher success rates in school.

Time spent with a book is always time well spent. Studies show that children who are regularly read to in the 5 years leading up to kindergarten are exposed to 1.4 million more words than children who aren’t engaging in reading at home. Children whose parents are involved in family literacy activities score on average 10 points higher on standardized reading tests.

The benefits of reading are endless and include:
- A strengthened relationship with your kids
- Reading provides new relationships for kids
- Improved vocabulary and communication skills
- Reading with your kids helps improve their concentration
- Reading helps your kids develop a life long love of reading

Engaging in literacy as a family might not always look like sitting down together and enjoying a book. Take the opportunity to embrace and encourage literacy in daily life including reading traffic signs or cereal boxes, singing songs, listening to audiobooks together, or having your child read to you to the best of their ability. It’s all good!

‘You can find magic wherever you look. Sit back and relax, all you need is a book!’ ~ Dr. Seuss
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