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Learning for the Naturally Curious!

New Humble Community School Association

As many of us know and have experienced, there are endless ways that educational information can be delivered to students. We’ve all had the unpleasant experience of sitting in a class with the teacher at the front talking and most of the students daydreaming. How much of what the teacher said was heard? Understood? Remembered? The answer to these questions is, very little.

Children are naturally curious. They are active, both physically and mentally. It is in their nature to want to experiment and discover. Sitting and listening to information being thrown at them is unlikely to result in a high rate of understanding or memory, especially if it is a subject they are not interested in. The Cone of Learning, adapted from the well-known Cone of Experience, is a pyramid graphic which suggests that the way in which we experience things affects how well we will remember them. At NHCS, we promote experiential learning, or learning by doing. This active form of learning increases a child’s likelihood of remembering information taught.

Looking at the Cone of Learning, active involvement in learning, means that after 2 weeks, between 70-90% of what is taught will be remembered by the student. Compare this with traditional in-class instruction, traditionally reading, hearing words, and looking at pictures. Traditional learning means that typically 10-30% of what has been taught will be remembered. Of course, traditional learning has also expanded to be more active, thereby increasing the potential for what has been taught, will be remembered.

Furthermore, our approach to education takes subjects and material that children are not interested in and makes learning fun. By making it more fun, the likelihood of children understanding, learning, and remembering the information is much greater. Plus, it is in a child’s nature to want to get involved and hands-on.

At NHCS, we want to take this even further, by having our students simulate the real experience and do the real thing, on a smaller scale. This is why we encourage our students and staff to get their hands dirty. Not only is it fun for kids to be so active, but it is also a better learning experience! Our journey has only begun, and we hope you will continue with us on our innovative and unique approach to education!

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