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How to get involved...

New Humble Community School Association

There are many ways to get involved in a school, and not all of them require a large time commitment.

Spread the word

Word of mouth in a community as close-knit as ours goes a long way. Talking about the focus of hands-on, experiential learning in a public school is a natural way to start. Further information on the deliverables and contact information to the NHCSA is on our Facebook and Instagram pages, as well as a link to our website.


It takes a village to raise a child, and an entire community to help with their education. Getting involved in programs such as hot lunches, the Parents' Group (PTA), or being part of one of our outdoor/agricultural programs are ways to make this a truly community-centered school.

These activities will strictly follow and may change due to COVID-19 restrictions.


Donations toward specific programs, furnishings or supplies are needed to keep the educational experience exciting and up to date. Questions regarding specific needs can be directed to

NHCSA is a registered charity, with the ability to provide receipts to donors for personal or corporate tax returns.

NHCSA has set up a donation account with the Calmar Bottle Depot. Each time you drop off your empties, ask the attendant to donate the proceeds to New Humble Community School.


Partnerships and Sponsors will help us to ensure our school and programming is second to none.

New Humble Community School is a publicly-funded educational institution, as per the Alberta Ministry of Education. As a school of choice, some provincial funding is not available, and so we are looking to our community to support our programs through sponsorship.

Join the Board of Directors

New Humble Community School is a public school, and as such is to be governed by an elected board. These volunteer board members have various roles and responsibilities. Stay connected with us in the coming months to learn more and to find out when our first call to election will occur.

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Apr 12, 2021

Just thought I would offer to volunteer for any assistance you might need. I am retired and live about a 1/2 mile from the school. I would be happy to help out in any way I can. Please let me know how I can help!


Jan 18, 2021

Hi there just thought I would drop a note that I own and operate DaisyDukes Greenhouse. I sure would love to offer to volunteer for anything you need. I would be happy to help supplying some materials that may pertain to the Ag curriculum. please let me know how I can help🐞

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