community | noun, often attributive | com·mu·nit·ty
a unified body of individuals: such as
: the people with common interests living in a particular area
: a group of people with a common characteristic or interest living together within a larger society
(Merriam-Webster, 2022)
On Friday, April 22, 2022, a large group of parents, teachers, educational support staff, community members, industry partners, community members, and other NHCS advocates gathered at the local Telford Hall thanks to University of Alberta researcher Dr. Bonnie Stelmach (PhD, MA, Bed).
Supported by KIAS (Kule Institute for Advanced Study), this evening’s purpose was two-fold. One, for all parties to be introduced to Dr. Stelmach and her qualitative research project with NHCS and two, for Dr. Stelmach to gain insight into what parental and community roles within our school looks like.
The meal was wonderful, the company was pleasant, and the conversation was wholesome. While the conversation focused on six pertinent questions to help guide Dr. Stelmach’s research, it unearthed a plethora of thoughts and feelings. The amount of support evoked within the research dinner was tangible. Every single individual who spoke, spoke with a sense of community. The ideas generated, the wishes stated, the thoughts verbalised were largely rooted in what would be best for the community. Dr. Stelmach had six key questions she wanted the group to discuss amongst one’s table, but also as a whole.
1. In 30 words or less, describe what’s great about the education at NHCS.
2. What is unique or special about NHCS compared to other rural schools?
3. What are the top three strengths of the school? (What would you want to highlight to others?)
4. Think about your children after they leave NHCS. How are they different than children who
have attended other schools?
5. In the future, what contribution would you hope to make to education in the province of
6. If you had a magic wand, what is one thing you would change about NHCS?
Absolutely there are obstacles to the ideas and wishes, but these did not deter the conversation. In fact, a wonderful thing happened. This fraction of the NHCS community continued the conversations despite the obstacles that were mentioned. They continued thinking bigger and better, not because of a lack of realism that these obstacles present, but because the Humble community has historically not let any obstacle, regardless of its size, impede their progress. This poignantly shows the commitment and dedication of the Humble community to its student’s education for this generation and the next.
While there were many takeaways from the evening, one thing in particular stood out. Dr. Stelmach noted that when she entered the school, she felt welcome. Kids were not afraid to smile and say hello to this adult whom they had never met, and our staff welcomed her. There is much to be said about pride, but the pride that our community has is truly like no other. We have something very special and it is thanks to each and every individual, so thank you, and as always… Be Humble and Stay Humble.
Interested in learning more about Dr. Stelmach? Follow the link to her biography, curriculum vitae, areas of interests, and publications.
Merriam-Webster. (2022). Dictionary.