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First Day of School September 2021

New Humble Community School Association

Dear Parents, Families and Community Members, It is with great pleasure and excitement that we announce that New Humble Community School received approval on the final charter application for opening September 2021, assuming alignment with commencement conditions in the Charter Schools Regulation. It is truly because of this community and its support and encouragement that we have come so very far. But there are some miles left to go, and we hope you will continue on this journey with us.

Parents and guardians will be asked to fill out a new declaration of intent for the 2021/2022 school year. We will also welcome input and keeping you informed about opportunities to get personally involved in things like community volunteering projects and fundraising events. We will be communicating (and recruiting!) continuously on our blog and through other media. Please keep an eye on us! Again, our successes so far are a testament to the strength and resilience of this community. We are so proud to be working on this with you, and for you. You can contact us with any questions, concerns, ideas or plans. Thank you, your New Humble Community School Association

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1 comentario

Andree Verhoog
24 sept 2020

So excited for you. This gives you a year to get yourselves fully organized. I heard your story on Danielle Smith’s radio program. You have been on my mind and prayers since.

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